Pinterest Challenge! Nursery Mobile

Have you guys heard of the Pinterest Challenge?   Have you been living under a rock??  Ok maybe not all of you are obsessed with DIY blogs like me…so let me just fill you in.

Sherry from Young House Love and Katie from Bower Power started this challenge to encourage people to “stop pinning and start doing.”   The idea is to take on something inspirational that you’ve pinned and actually make it!   

<not sure what Pinterest is?  then you really have been living under a rock.  check it out here:;

I haven’t accepted the challenge in the past, but I couldn’t pass it up this time.  Especially since I have so many projects mulling around in my brain these days!  And since most of those revolve around the nursery, I decided to tackle something off of my to-do list.  As I reviewed my list, I realized that I had a good vision for most of the items…except one: 

  • make mobile for above crib.

Enter stage left:  Pinterest Challenge. 

I reviewed my “Things for Babies” Board and came across the following pins:


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DESIGN YOUR OWN Ribbon Crib Mobile...Perfect for Nurseries, Showers, Weddings, Parties, Etc.

How fun are all of these?  Wouldn’t you love to fall asleep under several giant pink pom poms?

Oh, just me?

It was tough deciding which mobile to make, but in the end I decided on the ribbon mobile. 

DESIGN YOUR OWN Ribbon Crib Mobile...Perfect for Nurseries, Showers, Weddings, Parties, Etc.

I may or may not have been swayed by this darling picture.

But I also thought it was the perfect way to incorporate ALL of the colors that I’m bringing into the nursery:  grey, white, saffron, peacock blue and even brown.  (The crib has an espresso colored drawer and I’m thinking of putting our espresso leaning bookcase in there as well, so I wanted a bit of brown in the mobile too).

And because I have so much fabric on hand, I thought it would be neat to incorporate fabric and ribbon into the mobile.   Crazy train, right? 

Actually I thought the different textures would make it even more interesting. 

To get started, I stopped by Jo-Anns and picked up a 10” metal ring for $2.49.  I also grabbed spools of ribbon in grey, brown, white, blue and silver. 

That’s it.  I had plenty of fabric at home to choose from.

Once I cut everything to size it was just a matter of securing it to the metal ring.  Seriously, this was a super easy, and super fun project!

What do you think?






(I had to test it out from the baby’s point of view, right?!)

I love how it turned out.  And it was so easy.  And cheap!  I think the whole project cost me $13.00 and probably took me a little bit over an hour to complete.

I’m so pleased with how it will tie all of the nursery colors together without being over-the-top, and also brings a little bit of playfulness to the room. 


Did any of you take on the Pinterest Challenge?  If so, what did you make?!

I’m already excited for the next round which will happen in the Spring.   Until then, happy pinning!

Original Pinterest images found  here, here, here, here, here and here.


  1. Oh my my….this is both beautiful and fun! I love the combination of textures and prints. And I know you’re right, it will tie all the room colors together perfectly. I am so inspired by all your diy projects but I have to say that it’s not just the projects, it’s all the love you are putting into your nursery. It’s a reflection of how much love you already have for baby T, and it’s so much fun to be on this journey with you!

    ps. I have not taken the Pintrest challenge (surprised?!) But I am working on a little project that I will share with you when it’s completed. :)

  2. Perfect, I love it! What a great way to incorporate all the colors.I love the pop of blue, it’s just perfect. :) Baby will love falling asleep with it over her head. Ella loved her mobile, she would look up her mobile and be in awe for awhile which allowed me to get some work done.

  3. P L E A S E tell me what you used for the circle. I have seen the double ring wooden kind, but I am just looking for a simple plastic ring or a light weight metal ring. Any help? Thanks

    1. Hi Bonnie! I used a 10″ metal embroidery hoop. I found mine at JoAnn’s….they had several different sizes to choose from (8, 10, 12, etc.). I did a quick search on Amazon for them and found a few, but I’m sure that any JoAnns or Michaels would have them. Or if you have Hobby Lobby, maybe there too. Good Luck!

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